• Full payment is due at time of rental.
  • Credit card number on file required – no security deposit. 
  • A $10 late fee will be applied and charged for items not returned by or on their due date. For every day after the due date, a daily late fees of $5 will be applied. Credit card on file will be charged weekly for daily late fees until pump is returned or until a new order for rental extension has been placed. 
  • All late fees must be paid before a rental may be extended. 
  • If a rental due date falls on a day the store is closed, then the due date will extend until the next day the store is open.
  • $15.00 cleaning charge if unit is returned dirty.
  • $125.00 damage fee if unit is returned damaged.
  • Please note there are no refunds or store credit for early returns of rentals.